Welcome to Lapis' new on-line format.


May 23, 2003

The Best Holistic Writers on the Great Issues of the Day

Welcome to Lapis' new on-line format. Those of you who were regular readers or subscribers to Lapis in its paper incarnation will find the same high quality articles dealing with the great issues of contemporary life. Each week we will publish a new articlereflecting Lapis’ trademark engagement with both the inner world of  the soul, the spiritual and the esoteric, and the outer world of society, technology and the environment. We will also cover the arts with cultural essays, reviews and poetry.

The new on-line format will enable us to be highly topical and deal with important issues as they appear on the world stage.

For those of you new to Lapis, we aim to bring to readers the most intriguing holistic writers on the great issues of our times. Since Lapis’ inception in 1995, its editors have taken the view that there is a huge need for high quality, intellectually penetrating, spiritually authentic media that views the world not with cynicism but with wholeness and warmth. The current global situation only enhances our commitment to this task.

As the site is developed over the next few weeks, you will find many outstanding articles that we have archived from past issues on a broad range of important subjects. You will also discover a steady flow of fresh holistic reflections and insights. Lapis received the 2000 Alternative Press Award from Utne Reader for its unique editorial alchemy that "blends the modern Western mind with an ancient sense of soul." We suggest that every week you add more intellectual, spiritual and cultural stimulus to your life, and your grasp of the contemporary world, by visiting us here. We aim to be a new and vital site for readers who want engaged, holistic writers with fresh insights into the demands, delights and defining issues of the present age.

–Ralph White, Editor